Singing Guide: I Can Get It For You Wholesale

Singing Guide: I Can Get It For You Wholesale

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

If you're looking to learn how to sing like Barbra Streisand in her breakout role in "I Can Get It For You Wholesale," you're in luck! Barbra Streisand is one of the most unique voices and talents in the world of musical theatre. Her precise and powerful voice is unmatched and her unique style of singing is instantly recognizable. In this article, we'll take a look at some of her signature techniques and songs and provide practical exercises and tips so you can improve your singing just like Barbra.

Techniques to Sing Like Barbra

  1. Develop breath support to belt powerful high notes with ease by practicing diaphragm exercises and actively engaging your core. Singing exercises that strengthen your upper body, such as swimming, can also help. It's also important to work on your posture and make sure that you are standing up straight and using your chest voice effectively.
  2. Control your vibrato by practicing controlled breathing exercises which can help you manage the speed and intensity of your vibrato. A great exercise for controlling vibrato is to sing a sustained note and gradually increase and decrease the speed and intensity of your vibrato until you can sing with consistent vibrato.
  3. Master Streisand's use of mixed voice and vocal break by practicing singing in your mixed voice range and work to transition between higher and lower registers seamlessly. Exercises like lip trills and vocal slides can help you learn to improve your technique in these areas.

Barbra's Signature Songs

  • "Don't Rain on My Parade" from "Funny Girl"
  • "People" from "Funny Girl"
  • "The Way We Were"

Resources to Enhance Your Singing

To best enhance your singing, we highly recommend that you use the resources provided by Singing Carrots:

We hope these tips and exercises help you master the unique skills and technique of Barbra Streisand's singing style. And remember to keep on practicing and honing your vocal skills, as practice is key to becoming a great singer!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.